Small experiments with browser technologies.
These may not work on some browsers, or have bugs.
A 2D skateboarding game (similar to Line Rider in some ways) rendered entirely using browser elements.
Collision is implemented by raymarching a signed distance field generated from those elements.
Renders lights as "stretchy" billboards, allowing for cheap motion blur without post-processing or render-to-texture; just additively blended polygons.
An extension of Motion Blur to render entire scenes using alpha-test billboards.
This works, and looks fairly unique, but is heavy on fillrate as those billboards must overlap to eliminate cracks in the scene, and with a "soft" edge this leads to a great deal of overdraw.
May be revisited in future; a Blender export plugin and a basic engine framework have been implemented.
Games created collaboratively over a 48 hour period.
A short game in which you must complete your morning ritual within a time limit.
Introduced us to CoffeeScript, Pixi.JS and Aseprite. Inspired SprigganJS.
An imitation of Minecraft's crafting system, as a text adventure.
Created in the final hours (learning JavaScript along the way) after the game our team was making was unsuccessful.